96 Lessons
Course Description
<p>Kasneb has introduced the Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills (CAMS) qualification following a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process which identified a critical gap in lower level accounting and management skills for the micro, small and medium enterprises sectors. In addition, holders of CAMS qualification will possess the competencies to provide basic accounting and management services to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and public sector entities. The Course takes a duration of 8 Months Structure CAMS comprises of two levels with four (4) papers in Level I and three (3) papers in Level II, making a total of seven (7) papers, as summarised below. Level I CM11 Principles of Entrepreneurship and Management CM12 Introduction to Law and Ethics CM13 Fundamental ICT Skills CM14 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics Level II CM21 Foundations of Accounting and Auditing CM22 Elements of Public Finance and Administration CM23 Principles of Marketing and Communication</p>